Collective Bargaining


In-unit employees are encouraged to resolve their problems informally whenever possible, but within the 30-day time limit for filing grievances.

According to Article 20, Grievance Procedure and Arbitration, UCF and the UFF "encourage open communications between administrators and employees so that resort to the formal grievance procedure will not normally be necessary. The parties further encourage the informal resolution of grievances whenever possible. At each step in the grievance process, participants are encouraged to pursue appropriate modes of conflict resolution." Grievances should provide explicit detail about how the CBA was violated. Unless it is a disciplinary grievance, Article 20.4 states: "the burden of proof shall be on the employee." The forms necessary to complete when filing a grievance are below. They are filed in the Office of the Provost, MH 338.

Types of Grievances:

  • College-level grievance, Appendix C
  • University-level grievance, Appendix D
  • Notice of Arbitration, Appendix E*
  • Exclusive Assignment Dispute Resolution Grievance Form, Part 1 (statement of dispute) Appendix F 1a
  • Exclusive Assignment Dispute Resolution Grievance Form, Part 1 (decision of individual making the assignment) Appendix F 1b
  • Exclusive Assignment Dispute Resolution Grievance Form, Part 2 (Notice to Dean/Dean's Representative) Appendix F Part 2
  • Exclusive Assignment Dispute Resolution Grievance Form, Part 3 (Notice to refer to Mediator) Appendix F Part 3
  • Exclusive Assignment Dispute Resolution Grievance Form, Part 4 (Mediator's decision) Appendix F Part 4
  • If you would like to speak with your union representative, the UFF has several faculty members who act as Grievance Representatives. Contact information may be found at:

    *Section 1001.741(2) Florida Statutes, which became effective on July 1, 2023, prohibits arbitration in certain instances. To the extent the University determines that arbitration is prohibited by law from being the terminal step of a grievance submitted pursuant to any provision of this Agreement, the terminal step and final agency disposition for said grievance shall be the prior step described in that article. For example, for a grievance made pursuant to Article 20 for which arbitration is prohibited by law, the terminal step and final agency disposition shall be Step 2.